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doug johnson trio
live at the royal garden
2011 | eigenverlag
audio cd | 16,00 EUR
musicians | musiker: doug johnson/piano; edward perez/bass; harry tanschek/drums;
tracks & titles
moment's notice
€ 0.99
if i should lose you
€ 0.99
€ 0.99
march 5th, 2004
€ 0.99
i thought about you
€ 0.99
€ 0.99
you don't know what love is
€ 0.99
the nearness of you
€ 0.99
martin ptak
simsa fünf
drechsler/steger/tanschek trio featuring lorenz raab
the monk in all of us
encounters & alice schneider
bachmann goes jazz
esmeraldas taxi
alternative | pop
blues | blues-rock
chamber jazz
chansons | lieder
contemporary music
electronic pop
filmmusik | schlager
folk | blues | country
hip hop
jazz & lyric
jazz instrumental
faulhammer - aufmesser - kammerer - tres caballeros
quispel quintet - dipsomania
mühlbacher's usw - wege zur vierten
gina schwarz & multiphonics 8 - way to blue
simsa fünf - perpetuum mobile
handsemmel workestra - the mighty roll
gina schwarz pannonica - all alone 2020
markus geiselhart & big band pfaffstätten feat. andy haderer - wiener neustädter kanal suite
in the zone - in the zone feat. george garzone
gina schwarz | richard oesterrreicher - airbass
gina schwarz - schwarzmarkt
florian klinger - one
mpt max plattner trio - II
gina schwarz - pannonica
simsa fünf - the time we need
julie loveson septet - consider it solved
lorenz raab quartet - impassioned
max nagl ensemble - live at porgy & bess vienna vol. 2
wladigeroff brothers - the rag waltz time
teleport collective / killah tofu - do the pump
gina schwarz unit feat. jim black - woodclock
ulrich drechsler & stefano battaglia - littel peace lullaby
roland neffe's vibes beyond - acoustic outland
gina schwarz - jazzista
monika lang trio - a tribute to bill evans
christian mühlbacher - chamber jungle
nouvelle cuisine - swing!
nouvelle cuisine - live at porgy & bess
nouvelle cuisine - elephant terrine
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.06
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.05
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.04
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.03
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.02
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.01
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.00
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.99
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.98
christian mühlbacher usw - 05.04.97
weird beard - away
harry sokal groove - where sparks start to fly
salesny-schabata-preuschl-joos - live
ulrich drechsler trio - beyond words
hochglanz - once upon a time
doug johnson trio - live at the royal garden
manndorff trio - you break it - you own it
sean hutchinson's - still life
local time - unity
triotonic - sensitive
roland neffe - vibes beyond
philipp nykrin - common sense
klaus wienerroither | thomas mauerhofer - shorter moments - the music of wayne shorter
david sánchez - cultural survival
bobo stenson trio - reflections
bobo stenson trio - war orphans
herbie hancock - the definitive herbie hancock
tord gustavsen trio - changing places
paul motian - time and time again
paul motian - i have the room above her
manu katché - neighbourhood
manu katché - playground
triotonic meets lorenz raab - the colour of four
liebman | tarenzi | benedettini | arco - negative space
dave holland sextet - pass it on
david sanborn - here & gone
falb fiction - lost control
peter rom trio - starstruck
vadim neselovskyi group - spring song
herwig gradischnig's - ghost trio
bobo stenson trio - serenity
bobo stenson | anders jormin | paul motian - goodbye
tord gustavsen trio - the ground
tord gustavsen trio - being there
krakovians - krakovians
christoph pepe auer | manu delago - living room
bernd satzinger - bernd satzinger's wurschtsemmerl
philipp nykrin trio - open-ended
michael kahr quartet - stories
peter rom trio - says who?!
falb fiction - waiting for
trompeteria - green horns
herbert swoboda quintett - gucky's bounce
lubric flow - four roses
martin ptak | christian gonsior - carlotta's portrait
regös trio - voyage to faremido
global glue - eardance
phondue - searching
michael kneihs - qvintessence
specht|raab|steger|breneis - forms of plasticity
drechsler/steger/tanschek trio featuring lorenz raab - the monk in all of us
poesis - fox in fables
jazz vocal
latin | ska | fusion
music for kids
musikalische bühnenwerke
nujazz | rock | electronic
pop | rock
singer | songwriter
special offer - sale
wiener weltmusik
xmas | weihnachten
exclusive downloads
vouchers | gutscheine